These are just some of my key recommendations for reading.
“Allow Me To Introduce” is the easiest basic introduction into all the occult, history and organizations. This is important before starting a occult journey.

The fundamentals of Hermeticism, are covered in a mysterious book of many editions, called the “Kybalion”. The book is a tough read in the sense that is all seems like a riddle that we must solve over time and experience. There are free PDF copies on the internet of the original text and many new versions by different authors.

Kabbalah and Qabalah are a foundation of any Hermetic occult studies. I have so many to recommend but will start with one of my favorites. “Kabbalah” by Charles Ponce. This gives a basic overview of almost every aspect of QBL. An of course “Garden of Pomegranates” by Israel Regardie, edited by Chic and Tabatha Cicero, is a more in-depth exploration of the Qabalah and Tree of Life.

Rosicrucian history is a significant basis for all Hermetic work. “Rosicrucian History and Mysteries” covers all aspects of the Rosicrucian Tradition, and I highly recommend reading this book. Feel free to ask any related questions.

Alchemy is important for mystics and magicians understand, because life and nature is alchemy. By understanding the processes of transformation, will allow one to apply these principles on all levels inside and out. My friend Dennis Hauck is an amazing person and alchemist that addresses not only the historical and practical, but also the spiritual. He uses an excellent term when it comes to personal application/transformation, “psychospiritual”.

“Modern Magick” is the first book I recommend and require for all my students that are interested in understanding and practicing “real” magick. The author explains white, black and grey magick perfectly. The Law of Compensation and Karma balance everything.

Another excellent beginner resource is “True Magick” written by my friend Amber K. It is perfect for the ceremonialist or naturalist magician interests. It covers everything to varying degrees and is well written and an easy read.

On the subject of Tarot, it gets very complicated. I do not support books that focus on readings or divination, but instead on the focus of personal and spiritual exploration. The Hermeticism, Astrology and Qabalah have direct links to the Tarot symbolism. Since Tarot is a personal experience, many have created so many “non-traditional” versions and imagery. I can only recommend the more traditional (i.e. Rider-Waite, BOTA, Golden Dawn, Thoth, etc.). Any material written by Paul Foster Case is excellent. Just to recommend a few of the foundation books: “The Tarot”, Case; “Tarot of the Bohemians”, Pappas; “Pictorial Key to the Tarot”, Waite; “Qabbalistic Tarot”, Wang; “Rabbi’s Tarot”, Moore; “Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom”, Pollack; “Tarot and Astrology”, Kenner, “Book of Thoth”, Crowley and so on, probably in the listed order. If you have questions or issues about the listed books, you can reach out to me to discuss/solve.