There is so much data, stuff, and made-up garbage, mixed in with some legitimate information on the internet today. The information is disorganized and not structured for the inexperienced. This is a problem for many people, especially young people or seekers looking for some answers to life. Let me tell you…the questions are many. The gurus, coaches and teachers are many. The real answers are few. Where to start?
The problem is that many people and organizations claim to have THE answers. No book, organization or guru will give you the answer, because the answers will come from within you or as the Rosicrucians would say, the Master Within.
The Kybalion is one of the most succinct synopses of the fundamental answers to everything from a Hermetic and Rosicrucian perspective. There are some very basic principles and laws that you can use to validate all the information you find elsewhere. Question everything. Know it in your heart and mind. Have faith in a few things but do not blindly believe anything.
There are many organizations to join which much to offer. Do not join for joining sake. Find people you can share and discuss with about many topics or for that matter anything. If a Master shows up RUN! If you think you have found the answer, give it a few weeks (or days) and re-evaluate.
The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC is a very solid foundation for exploring “everything” in a very non-extreme safe way. All the information AMORC provides to members is online somewhere, but it is not organized properly and the truths are mixed in with a bunch of garbage and made-up stuff. You study on you own and initiate yourself when you are ready. There is no guru or book to tell you how to be a Rosicrucian or for that matter THE ANSWER.” They tell you to council with the Master Within and question everything including the information they provide.
There are many other organizations that I could recommend for various focus areas like Tarot, Kabbalah, Hermeticism, Ceremonial Magick, New Age, or Masonry, but I will refrain in this article because, I feel, staying on the road is more important than launching to the moon when it comes to mystical studies and exploration.
I wish I could just type a few words to give everyone the answer, but then it would not be yours, it would be mine as I understand and know it.